Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I miss you. Yeah, i miss you

I know i like to kid around with you guys once and a while, but i think it's time i got real for a second.

Guys, i really miss Carly and Kelly. They left and they were supposed to take me with them, but they left me here. I'm not saying that i don't like the new roommates. Like i said, i'm just trying to get real.

And like, they got this new kitten. And how am i supposed to feel about that? It's always "kitten did cute thing today" or "kitten so cute" or "i love kitten more than wamp wamp" or "kitten doesn't even need a real name cos it's so cute" or "kitten love me forever." And, it's like, nobody even has any respect for true breeds anymore. They love that street cat because it's tiny but what they're forgetting is that the street cat is just a street cat and it's mom was some street cat who got busy with another street cat and now tiny street cat is cute because it's tiny.

And then after all of this i hear that Kelly went to this Club Ararat without me.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

A (brain)storm of Firsts

1. His first time playing the fun game "Slap The Bag." It's easy and you can play along at home. You just take the Franzia bag out of the box and drink directly from the spout. Have a friend hold the bag in the air for you so that you can slap it. Warning!!! Slap The Bag has been known to cause some Wobbelty Wobbelty-ness!!
2. Alex's first time reading!! Just kidding... KIND OF!!
2. These ones are for real real, though. These are pictures from Alex's first ever visit to the karaoke bar, Chopsticks. At first he was nervous but once he found the perfect song, there was no stopping him.
And you want to know what he sang? This!!:

Phở Sho

Alex is broadening his cultural horizons every day. No! Seriously, guys! Today, he tried phở. And, interestingly enough, he admitted that maybe a vegetarian phở would've been more to his liking. If anybody doubts this when you tell them, you can say that you heard it from me.

And while this is more of a 2nd rather than 1st, Alex also swam across a river today. I guess being born and raised in Louisville doesn't lend itself to swimming gud. It was a big accomplishment and damnit, i'm proud of him.

Sunday, May 24, 2009


It's true guys, i'm still alive and purring.

Alex has been doing so many new things and playing so many fun games lately. AND YOU'LL BE THE FIRST TO SEE!!

But i'm hella busy right now. There's been like, so many things to do.

When you ask "what it do? what it do?" i'm definitely going to answer "A LOT!!!"


Sunday, March 29, 2009

Alex Simon: Spring Break Edition

A week in California for Alex Simon meant a week full of "firsts." It also meant a lot of him singing that one Phantom Planet song, nonstop.

Alex surfs for the first time:Ready to hit the waves.
Practicing hanging ten.Yeaaaaah buddy!!

Alex's overall feelings on surfing:<3 WW

Friday, March 20, 2009

This Is Why He's Fat

The McGang Bang
Step 1: He arrives at McDonald's, ready for his challenge.Miraculously, the clouds start parting.
Step 2: He's already ordered, and is now waiting anxiouslyStep 3: It arrives. He builds it himself and thinks for a second. "Is this really something i want to do?"
Step 4: The Realization of "YES!!"Step 5: The light shines through the window, as if God himself were saying "Good job, Alex."Step 6: The last bite.Step 7: "Do ya'll want to go get some jalapeño poppers?"

Friday, March 6, 2009

Thinking of the future

I've been wondering what i'm going to do when Alex has no more first's. He suggested something great last week, but i wanted to pass it by you guys first. So, listen: Alex Takes On This Is Why You're Fat.

Alex eating a Meta-Pizza? A PIZZA INSIDE OF A PIZZA?!

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Tonight, Alex baked a cookie pie and piped out his own decorations. FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER!
The weird part about this picture (other than everything) is all the light blue. Alex may wear the same outfit every day (or at least the same colors), but recently, i think Kelly's been trying to match with him on purpose. Scope the color of that frosting, too. They think i'm strange but they have no idea.Also, Alex learned how to spell tonight! You may not find that a huge accomplishment, but if you think about it, he only learned how to read last week or something. NO JOKE I'M SERIOUS I DON'T MAKE JOKES.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Nothing under the sofa

So i thought i would find out exactly where i was in the blogosphere:Pretty accurate representation of me and my standing.


Alex has learned how to cook at least two things. When we first met him, he didn't even know how to boil water. No joke! I mean, we haven't talked about it too much, but, we don't think he's retarded.Now, in addition to microwaveable pizzas and Taco Bell, Alex can feed himself with homemade brussel sprouts and what he likes to call his "Waffle House Hash Browns."
BoldI'm gonna go find things under the sofa now. Ttyl.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Snitches Get Stitches

And so do Alex's pants. Tonight, with some instructional help from Carly, Alex sewed for the first time ever. Turns out, it was harder for him than he imagined.

Still here

I think this is one of my favorite pictures of myself. These people act like they know me and they're always trying to pick me up but they don't even know me at all. Like, last night they had no idea where i was. I went to the Tube and went dancing. This babe at the bar bought me a drink and asked me to come home with her but turns out she was allergic and didn't know it. You don't even want to know what happened from there.


Alex's first Thanksgiving away from home. Needless to say, it was also his first turkey-less Thanksgiving.

See, look: no turkey and the little guys still looks so happy.

Alex's Firsts

This guys Alex comes to my house a lot. I don't invite him here and he still comes. See, Alex, he's from Louisville, Kentucky (gross) and he hasn't done too much before. I've gotten to experience a lot of his firsts with him, and i thought i'd start sharing them with you.

Alex's first pumpkin carving:
I'm going to try to be sensitive with this. Everyone's first times are scary, beautiful, and sometimes stupid looking. We want him to try new things but we first and foremost want him to be safe. Remember our mantra, guys.

Saturday, January 31, 2009


What's up i'm Wamp Wamp. Last night was CRAZY. I slept until like, 3 p.m. this morning and woke up to this. It was stupid and i made Jono pick it up and then i took a nap.

Beat Happening- Catwalk