Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I miss you. Yeah, i miss you

I know i like to kid around with you guys once and a while, but i think it's time i got real for a second.

Guys, i really miss Carly and Kelly. They left and they were supposed to take me with them, but they left me here. I'm not saying that i don't like the new roommates. Like i said, i'm just trying to get real.

And like, they got this new kitten. And how am i supposed to feel about that? It's always "kitten did cute thing today" or "kitten so cute" or "i love kitten more than wamp wamp" or "kitten doesn't even need a real name cos it's so cute" or "kitten love me forever." And, it's like, nobody even has any respect for true breeds anymore. They love that street cat because it's tiny but what they're forgetting is that the street cat is just a street cat and it's mom was some street cat who got busy with another street cat and now tiny street cat is cute because it's tiny.

And then after all of this i hear that Kelly went to this Club Ararat without me.

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